The Living Room

For the past few years, I’ve been leading small writing classes in my home. I told every woman who signed on that she was welcome no matter how much experience she had in writing—whether she’d published five books, or one book, or no books. Whatever her genre—poetry, fiction, memoir, essay, or some glorious fusion, she was welcome in The Living Room.

The purpose of these writing groups has always been to make space for literary creation, to help women set aside time and space to put words on paper, and in doing so, to chase hard after truth and beauty, letting memory show up and imagination thrive.

In the current season, The Living Room has shifted to an online format. Via Zoom, we meet each week for a curated sequence of literary thought experiments, pen-to-paper prompts, creativity fire-starters, and imaginative fuel. Each week, new words happen. You should hear what women write these days. It’s astonishing, hilarious, wise, heartbreaking, vibrant, whip-smart, and flying with sparks.

While I can’t open my front door and welcome you in for tea, freshly baked cinnamon buns, and a cozy writing chair, I invite you to join The Living Room Zoom this autumn. Come as you are, no matter your literary resumé. If you’re a woman who wants to write, who wants to find out what words and stories and memories live inside that wild, creative mind of yours, claim your space. You’re welcome in The Living Room.

Living Room - Autumn 2020

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